I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Living it Rainy River Style

It's great to come home, particularly if your home town consists of 800 people. It's the exact pace that one needs to be able to adjust from their overseas home back into Canada. There is something so soothing about just coming home. Of course, I'm being spoiled by my mom and dad as they take care of me and help me catch up on rest. I've been hit by a "fresh cold" as they say in Liberia...so I'm hopped up on cold and flu meds.

Anyways, the trip home was nothing to memorable other than really being longer than I ever wanted. I am starting to detest airports and really find no joy in being in transit. I was able to overnight in Ghana, and catch up with old friends. We had a fun night out and I enjoyed that part the most about my journey home. Otherwise it was traveling through till I eventually reached Winnipeg about 55 hours later.

Being home has it's benefits. I've been trying to adjust to the cold mostly and just keeping warm while catching up with friends and family. It's adjusting to the conveniences of life as well, such as 24 hour power, running hot water, the speed of which things happen. I have no profound thoughts as of yet, and haven't really processed everything. I'll post though as revelations come.

I do have this one simple observation though about Canada. We have gadgets for everything! I have watched ads for meat seering tools that put your initials in your steak, or a little tool that cuts away tough plastic from other tools that we have bought. We are a funny culture.

Anyways, I'm sure I"ll have more of these funny observations to post. Bear with me as I experience reverse culture shock!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Saying My Goodbyes!

Well, the time has come to say my goodbyes to friends that I have met here in Liberia. For those of you who have transitioned from one culture to another, I'm sure you know the mixture of emotions that I've been working through these past few weeks. Today was my last day with staff, and it is tradition in our office to give a Liberian flag to departing guests and then sing a song, "My hands are Blessed", and give hugs. So many times, I have been part of the departure process, but to be the recipient this time was strange.

I knew I would never make it out of the situation without tears, and my only goal was not to get to that embarrassing stage where there are tears flying, mixed with sobs and the inability to communicate. Thank goodness, I stayed above that line, just barely, but I managed to get through it. It was extremely touching to look around the room and see faces of people who I have grown to love over these past two years.

For those of you who have been sending emails, skype messages and msn messages reassuring me that you are praying for me...this has been so helpful. Thank you for thinking of me during this time and for keeping me in your prayers.

To my Liberia Family...not much to say other than thank you for a wonderful two years!