I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Two Boys...Felix and Isaac

One of my greatest joys out here has been getting to the know and spend time with our Country Director, his wife and their boys. Having a family as part of a field staff environment is a must for everyone. On the worst of all days all I have to do is go spend some time with Felix and Isaac and the worries go away. I love the innocence and simplicity of children and their thinking. These two boys have brought me hours of endless fun and really lightened life when it often gets dark.

One of my highlights has been driving them to work this week. They are full of fun ideas. We spent 20 minutes the other day discussing how we could buy or build a car which would be small enough to fit under all the others so that we no longer have to deal with traffic. How I wish that was true?

Tonight we drove to the airport together. I had a lot of laughs along the way. Felix was talking about shooting a gun, and so we talked about how you should never aim a gun at another person because it's dangerous, etc. At which point, Isaac states from the back seat, "Unless you're the UN". Haha...from the mouth of babes.

Then we were listening to music and this song came up, "The Wonderful Cross". Isaac loves music and started singing along and got to the chorus, and was singing the "Wonderful Crust" or something to that affect. So I corrected him, and told him the word was "Cross", like the one that Jesus died on. He then says, "so what is Jesus up to now?"

What to Call This Entry???

Tonight, I was able to pick up a team of 5 people coming out of the UK that are here for 10 days to capture some of our projects on film. I was reminded about how long ago it was that I wrote when one of the team members said he found my blog before coming out here. I'm almost embarrassed now as I go back and realize it was November. I'm not going to go back in time, because to be honest December was more than I could almost handle. It was a highlight to spend time with my parents in Kenya, and then have them here for Christmas, but work was probably one of the most stressful months of my time out in Liberia.

Instead, I'll start with the New Year and updates from this side. I've made one of the hardest decisions that I have had to make in quite some time and that is to return to Canada after my contract finished April 15th. I was torn because quite honestly, this has been an experience of a lifetime and a time of my life that I will not quickly forget. Liberia has taught me so much about living cross culturally that it seems hard to walk away. However; I feel like my time here has come to an end. I feel my purpose in coming has been fulfilled and that it's time to look at what next. (and by the way, I don't know what comes next, so please don't start asking).

I have yet to reveal this fact to all of our staff here, but I'm sure it will get out quite quickly once I tell a few people. I have told my closest friends and some of the discussions have already led to tears. While I have peace in my decision to go back home, and believe it's the right move for me, it will not be an easy goodbye.

My goal to make each moment count for something in the time that I have left in country so that I can return home knowing that I gave my all.