I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Home for A Rest!!!

Well, it's out now and I can post it on my blog. I had to be careful before about posting blogs regarding my trip to Canada, because I was trying to keep it a secret from my mom. I had to rook my dad into my little scheme, so he was aware of my trip home, but my mom was not aware of anything. It was a sweet reunion. I have video tape footage of the greatest surprise moment that I have pulled on my mom. It was basically a long stare, followed by a long scream, followed by, "what are you doing here?". It was fantastic!!

I love being back in my home town. There is absolutely nothing to do, but I love it for that reason. My days consist of waking up whenever I feel like it, drinking a few cups of coffee in my pj's, then going for a small walk up the main street to visit my dad, check the mail, check my email, chat to some people I know, return home to watch a movie and basically just chill out. Oh yeah, there is a lot of eating in there as well.

The beauty of coming home is the ability to just relax and be still. I admit that it's hard to go from working full time to just relaxing, but it's wonderful. Being with family is a wonderful gift.

Thank you to my mom and dad who make home being so comfortable. Thank you to my brothers and sisters who make the sacrifice and come and see me over the holiday and the short time that I'm home.