I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Goat Is Sweating...

"The Goat is Sweating, but you can't tell." This new expression was shared by our Livestock/Aquaculture Program Manager. He is an older gentleman that is technically very sound but has difficulty working on the computer. Every month when he goes to settle his financial records it stresses him out and takes him days. So the other day, someone asked him how he was doing. He said, "My friend, the goat is sweating, but you cannot tell". It made everyone in the room start chuckling.
Here is to short blog entries!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! Nice...

10:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this how you feel Melissa.. I can relate to this.. It is all inside but don't let anyone know.
love you
don and lou

11:58 AM


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