I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Is Everyone Insane or Just Stuck on STUPID!!!

This was a caption in one of our local newspapers today, and it brought quite a smile to my face. Isn't it a great caption!! I think the article was discussing and questioning how is it that people can make the same mistake year after year...ie building their houses on land that floods each year.

I didn't read the article closely, but I thought the author was being a bit harsh on people. It's a fairly strong statement, funny, but could be quite offensive. However on my way, I started to really contemplate this caption once more.

Currently, the government has money allocated from the World Bank to expand the road to four lanes all the way from the airport to the junction of the main road that travels through town. In the 16 months that I have been here, at least 12 of these it has been clear to residence living near the current side of the road that they must move as their house will be destroyed. The government has even gone to the lengths of marking people's homes with a big yellow "X" and then signing MPW (Ministry of Public Works). It's clear to house owners and the public which of the houses have been clearly marked for demolition.

Riding home today, we turned towards our house and noticed four men putting the roofing on a building that was clearly marked. In fact, they stand to loose 80% of the current structure. The driver questioned, "what are those men doing?". To which one of our staff replied, "Maybe they have hope". The funny thing was 100 feet down the road was a survey team working on gathering measurements for the road.

Can one call it hope? Can one call it disbelief? Or as someone once said, must someone shout out, "Is everyone insane or just stuck on Stupid?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha . . . that's a good one! If you asked me, I think it's both! They are insane AND stuck on stupid . . .


8:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

While we don't see the same extreme examples in my neighbourhood, we see the same thing happen nonetheless. Sometimes I wonder if it is intentional ignorance in the face of hopelessness. For lack of hope, false hope is like a drug, blinding them from the reality that will soon crash in around them.


8:17 AM

Blogger Mel Giles said...

I have reread this entry and felt like it was mocking a bit too much. I didn't mean it to come across as so derogatory... It was more the saying that i was enjoying the day.

3:18 PM


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