I'm a recent returnee from overseas who is wandering through life right now trying to figure out where to put my next footstep on this thing called life.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

And Then There Were Three!!!

I was so excited to find out early Friday morning that my sister Ashley had given birth to her third child, a little boy, and that they were both doing well and healthy. Congratulations Jon, Ashley, Rebecca and Jacob! I was able to call my sister in the hospital and talk with her on Friday, which was so great. It's moments like this that living overseas becomes difficult. The separation from family during these important moments is really tough. That being said, I'm glad there is technology available that we can stay in touch and I thought I would post a picture of the new family of kids all together.

I love you guys lots...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Auntie Mel! Man, does Rebecca look a lot like her Mom.


8:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sure is exciting to have a new baby in the family! The boys are thrilled to have a new baby cousin! We have a shortage of girls though don't we!? - Somebody better get busy~

With all the excitment fof a new baby we didn't forget about the other June birthday though... Hope you have a good one Melissa!

Miss you lots!!

Monica, Chris, Gabius and Jude

5:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute group of kids . . . don't let the cuteness make you do something rash though . . . ha ha ha

Hey shorty, it's your birthday, act like it's your birthday . . . HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Hope you have an awesome day!!!!!

8:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool! I forwarded it on to the MacDonald clan. Great news!

Dave and Danaya

4:23 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Wow that is so great! I agree with Jamie...Rebecca looks so much like Ashley in that picture. It makes me a little nostalgic. I'm glad Dave forwarded us the link to your page.

Melanie Visscher (MacDonald)

9:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melissa, you are such a great aunt.. and cool family person... we love you..
Don and Lou

9:57 AM

Blogger Mel Giles said...

Hey everyone, thanks for the following the blog, even though I'm terrible at updating. I"ll try to be better. But, yes, Rebecca does look a lot like Ashley. Hope you all are well.

2:25 PM


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